Why are there easier rules for recreational golfers?
Because the Rules of Golf by the USGA can be difficult to understand and apply. They can also be strict and procedural, leading to slow play. The game of golf is hard enough for the average player. Why play by rules that make it harder and slower?
For most people, it's difficult to hit good shots when the ball is burried in the rough. Hacking it around the course from bad lie to bad lie just isn't fun. A little "fluff" can make a big difference.
It's also difficult to know all of the different rules, scenarios, and penalties. Professional golfers (even with help from their caddies) don't know the rules for sure, they have to call over Rules Officials. RgA Rules help to simplify penalty situations.
If you play golf for fun with friends, you should play by official RgA Rules. RgA Rules are a unified set of relaxed rules that are better suited to speeding-up play, eliminating unfortunate lies, and making the game a little bit easier and MUCH MORE FUN. RgA Rules also keep things fair for gamblers.
We at the RgA recognize the USGA as the governing body for professional competitions, high-level amatuer competitions, and for the low handicappers at country clubs, but we felt compelled to compile these extra rules for the other 90% of golfers, the Recreational Golfers that play public courses.
Adopt RgA Rules for your group.
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Official RgA Rules
updated 4-20-2022
Table of Contents
Rule 1 - Breakfast Ball
Rule 2 - Improved Lies
Rule 3 - Bunkers
Rule 4 - Lost Balls and OB
Rule 5 - Root Rule
Rule 6 - Man Made Objects
Rule 7 - Accidental Ball Contact
Rule 8 - Hitting the Wrong Ball
Rule 9 - Sharing Information
Rule 10 - Equipment
Rule 11 - Touching Surfaces
Rule 12 - Don't be a Jagoff
Rule 13 - Hole-In-One
Rule 14 - RgA Shambles
Rule 15 - RgA Scrambles
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Rule 1 - Breakfast Ball
Every player has the option to hit a second tee shot on their first hole of the day.
Why ruin your entire day with a bad first shot?
However, if you choose to hit a second tee shot, you MUST play it. You are not permitted to play the best one of the two.
Also, the decision to hit a Breakfast Ball must be made while still on the tee. No going back.
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Rule 2 - Improved Lies
“Lift, Clean, and Place” will be permitted in the fairways, rough, woods, weeds, penalty areas, and sometimes in bunkers (see Rule 3 for specific bunker rules).
You are permitted to place (or roll) your ball on to the best spot, within a few inches or so of where it was originally at rest, as long as you don't change your cut of grass or improve your "line of sight" or "line of swing" around trees, weeds, etc.
Rule 2 eliminates CHEATING. "Fluffing" their ball when nobody is looking is the #1 way cheaters gain an advantage.
In addition, you may not break branches or stomp weeds to improve your "line of sight" or "line of swing". If you are unable to play your ball, you must take an unplayable lie, add a penalty, give yourself a clear shot, and play on.
Also, you may not move your ball if it is on rocks in a penalty area. Also, you may not move any rock that would cause your ball to move. However, even though you are in a penalty area, you may move the rocks that are impeding your line of sight or line of swing.
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Rule 3 - Bunkers
When playing nicely maintained bunkers, balls should be played as NO TOUCH. Balls that are in their own pitchmark (i.e. fried eggs) should also be played as NO TOUCH, unless the sand is wet and/or packed.
However, if you are in an un-raked footprint, an erosion crevice, weather-beaten sand, or sand that hasn't been freshly maintained, etc... you may rake a fresh spot (or scrape the surface with your spikes) then place your ball where it was orginally at rest.
If you are in a bunker that doesn't have a fair spot to "rake and place" due to water, erosion, etc... you may remove it from the bunker and drop it at any spot that is equidistant (or further) from the hole. FYI: Having to move your ball to a spot with a downhill lie is not considered a fair spot, thus you can remove it from the bunker.
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Rule 4 – Lost Balls and OB
If your ball is lost or unplayable in a staked penalty area, or an un-staked intended penalty area like: woods, weeds, water, deep grass, high fescue, etc...
-OR- if it is Out of Bounds,
You must ADD a penalty, then:
(1) re-hit from the original spot, or
(2) drop within 2 club lengths of the point that the ball ENTERED the penalty area or OB, or
(3) drop on a line that keeps the point that the ball ENTERED the penalty area directly between your ball and the hole, going back as far as you want, or
NEW (4) drop on your "line of flight", somewhere on the line between the spot your ball ENTERED the penalty area and the spot from which you hit the ball, but you may not drop on the putting green.
Remember, in all cases, it is where the ball ENTERED the area, not the total distance the ball traveled.
For non-staked areas, you should use the change of conditions to determine the line that denotes the penalty area.
When dropping, you get relief from over-hanging limbs, however, you do not get relief from trees further down the tree line.
Rule 4b - "NO PENALTY" Exceptions
(1) Plugged Balls
(2) Leaves
(3) Thick Rough along fairway
(4) Taken by Someone
(5) Darkness
If your ball can't be found, and your foursome agrees that it DEFINITELY should have been found, to save time, you may drop in the area that your ball was believed to be WITHOUT penalty.
However, IF IT IS POSSIBLE it’s in an intended penalty area, woods, weeds, water, deep grass, high fescue, etc., you must ADD a penalty stroke.
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Rule 5 - Root Rule
You may take relief from roots that grow along the ground, but not the portion that grows upwards and is connected to the trunk. Nearest point of complete relief, no nearer the hole. You may take this relief if the root affects your "line of swing", your "line of sight", and your stance. This relief is granted so nobody gets hurt hitting a root or slipping on one. However, you don't necessarily get to move to a spot that gives you a clear shot. You get relief from roots, not from branches or trunks.
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Rule 6 - Man Made Objects
If you hit your ball near a man-made object (a post, a bench, an OB fence, a garbage can, a cart path, etc…) you may take complete FREE relief. You may take relief if the object hinders your stance, swing, or line of sight. You should determine the spot that is the NEAREST point of complete relief, then drop your ball within one club-length of that spot, no nearer the hole.
Note: This rule includes all flower beds and decorative areas where the flowers or plants are "delicate" and at risk of serious damage due to a swing.
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Rule 7 –Accidental Ball Contact
There is no penalty for accidentally striking your ball or causing it to move during a practice stroke or at address. Since we play "Lift, Clean, and Place", you should quickly re-set your ball to your liking and play on.
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Rule 8 - Hitting the Wrong Ball
There is no penalty for hitting the wrong ball once. Quickly replace it and proceed with the correct ball. However, if you hit the wrong ball 2 consecutive shots, you must finish with it, count your strokes, and ADD A PENALTY. Please be mindful of holding-up play and fix any errors as quickly as possible.
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Rule 9 - Sharing Information
To speed up play, discussion of yardages and club selection between players is encouraged. Also, GPS devices and laser range-finders (including slope models) are permitted to be used and to be shared.
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Rule 10 – Equipment
Any commercially available club (with no maximum in your bag) or ball is acceptable for play. Also, the player may swap-out their ball at any time during play. However, you may not have separate balls for driving and putting, continually switching between the two.
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Rule 11 - Touching Surfaces
There is no penalty for touching the surface of a bunker or penalty area with your club. You MAY even touch your club to the sand or the ground at address.
However, you may NOT:
(1) Intentionally take practice swings that test the surface (Accidents happen, intent to test the surface is the breach of the rule)
(2) Break branches or stomp weeds
(3) Excessively depress the sand behind the ball as to gain an advantage by making the ball easier to hit
(4) Move rocks in intended penalty areas that would cause your ball to move
Doing any of the above = 1 stroke penalty.
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Rule 12 - Don't be a Jagoff
Players may not use obscure USGA rules for infractions that don't grossly affect the play. For example: Playing out of order, or not marking your ball on the green, or accidentally hitting someone's equipment, etc... Just play on.
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Rule 13 - Hole-In-One
Unlike regular golf tradition, the maker of a Hole-In-One is entitled to free drinks for the rest of the evening (paid for by his/her foursome or larger group, ei: everyone on a golf trip or at a golf outing). Everyone should chip-in to celebrate his/her achievement.
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Rule 14 - Shambles
Everyone hits their tee shot. Then, each player has the choice of playing-in from any tee shot in their group.
Not everyone has to play from the same tee shot.
Once you select the tee shot you want to play from, you will play your own ball until it is in the hole, according to RgA rules.
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Rule 15 - Scrambles
Players should mark the spot of the ball that they choose to play. Then, each player may place their ball within one club-length of the marked spot, no closer to the hole. You MAY change your cut of grass, move it from behind a tree, move it from out of water, move it from out of a bunker, or move it from OB, ONLY IF it is within (1) club-length.
Remember, you only get (1) club-length. You don't get extra space for your stance.
Think of it this way - Your ball isn't "in play" until after you use your club-length. Also, when on the putting green, you can only move your ball a maximum of 6", no closer to the hole.
No BREAKFAST BALLS in Scrambles.
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A Big THANK YOU goes out to the following people for their influence on these rules: Don Coultas, John Huber, Taylor Pawlish, Bucky Cline, Doug Warzinski, Mike Bell, Mark Broda, Jon Walsh, Shawn Liguori, Jason Klein, Jason Corrado, Chuck Kuzniewski, Bob Colantoni, Bo Hand, Chuck Landa, Justin Rubb, Eric Amato, Matt Ginella, and Charlie Rymer.
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Who's to use which Rules
USGA - Professionals
USGA - USGA Amateurs
USGA - H.S. & College
USGA - Country Club Members
RgA - High Hcp CC Players
RgA - RgA Players at a Club
RgA - Public Course Events
RgA - Public Course Leagues
RgA - Daily Public Golfers
RgA - Kids (Easier = More Fun)
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RgA Tips for Speedy Play
1. Don't always mark your ball on the green. Only mark when you are in someone's way or have to clean your ball.
2. Putt-out, whenever possible, instead of always marking and waiting. Excessive marking of balls really slows down play.
3. Always know when you are next. Be ready to play when it is your turn. Prepare to hit your shot while waiting.
4. Play "Ready Golf" and hit. Respect "Honors" on the tee if the player is ready, but if not, play your shot. When on the course, as long as you're not holding up the player behind you, you should hit your shot if they aren’t ready to play.
5. Always watch your playing partners’ shots and help them search for their ball when lost.
6. Limit your time at the turn to getting food, drinks, supplies and/or using the rest rooms. Eat while playing, not while stopped at the turn.
7. Use Smartphone apps, GPS devices, or laser range-finders for assessing yardages.
8. Tee it forward. Play from the appropriate tees for your skill level. Hitting Driver then Wedge all day can be really fun.
9. When sharing a cart, whenever possible, drop off your partner at their ball with their club then go to your ball and hit. You can meet up after, further down the fairway.
10. Learn to putt with the flag in. It really helps save time.
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RgA Guide to Golf Etiquette
Dress Code
- Always check with the course in advance, but denim blue jeans aren’t a good idea. Wear khakis, slacks, or Bermuda style shorts. Cargo shorts are fine at Public courses, but "stuffy" Country Clubs will make you buy shorts from them.
- Collared shirts are best, however, nice collarless shirts (not t-shirts) are typically fine at public courses. Again, "stuffy" Country Clubs will make you buy a collared shirt.
- Sleeveless shirts are typically acceptable for women golfers only.
- Soft spike golf shoes or sneakers are the norm. Most courses do not allow metal spikes anymore.
Tee Times
- Arrive at the golf course 30 minutes prior to your tee time, check in at the pro shop upon arrival, and be at the Starter at least 10 minutes before your tee time. Arrive 45-60 minutes prior if you plan to hit a basket of balls at the range.
Speed of Play
- Always keep up with the group ahead of you. Remember, golf is much more enjoyable when played in 4 hours or less. If you are unable to keep pace, please allow faster groups to play thru, but try to keep playing as they do. Everyone should play their ball up to the green, then the slower group should let the group that is playing thru putt out and move on.
- Bookmark RGofAmerica.org in your phone for quick and easy reference of these rules when needed.
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RgA Rules for Skins
It is recommended that single foursomes should play two separate games in an 18-hole round.
They should play a Front 9 Skins Game and a Back 9 Skins Game by the following rules:
PAR or Better to win a Skin. Two tie, all tie. The Skin is cancelled. No Carry-overs.
Whoever earns the most Skins after 9 holes WINS the game and collects from the 2 players with the least amount of earned Skins.
2nd place, with 4 or 5 players = No Pay. If 2 tie for 2nd place, they split the No Pay and pay Half each. With 3 players, there isn't a 2nd Place No Pay.
Everyone that ties for the least amount of Skins pays the full amount.
In a foursome or fivesome, if 2 tie for 1st place, they split the money from the losers. If 3 tie for 1st place, the game is null.
In a threesome, if 2 tie for first place, the game is null.